Leadership Journal

December 18, 2000
Reflections on Y2K

Y2K is just about finished. The year began with more than a little worry about crashing information systems and is ending with one of the most fascinating and likely frustrating Presidential elections of all times.

So many people have already invested a lot of time in planning for the new year, but how many do you suppose, have taken the time to reflect on what they have learned during the past year? Have you? We hope you have - or will, because there is so much to gain. Perhaps you will find patterns that might be serving you well -- or finally pinpoint the ones causing you recurring problems. You might recognize some things with which you are much more comfortable -- and confident. You may also discover there are situations that you frequently handle poorly, and want to avoid going forward.

When you are trying to improve some aspect of your life, there are few things more important than self-awareness. You need to know yourself - and to be honest with yourself. Otherwise you will set goals that just don't seem to fit quite right, and those are the ones that never get worked.

Strangely enough, people spend a lot of time on the goals they are "not working." False starts, excuses, endless talking about great intentions - all are seductive time robbers, that usually produce nothing in the end.

Growing and developing is tough stuff. But remember this: You not only must keep learning, you must also continue to be aware of all the things you are learning. Please read that statement again if you need to; it might be the difference between being stuck in neutral and real progress. True self awareness is the cornerstone of ongoing self development. Treat yourself occasionally to a wonderful gift - the time to look back on and become better acquainted with a very promising individual -- you.