Leadership Journal

September 9, 2002
The First Anniversary

It is September and there is an enormous amount of energy being devoted to the anniversary of September 11th. Every network and cable news program is competing for you to watch its 9/11 coverage. Every news magazine and probably most others will be featuring its point of view, and enticing you to read its coverage. It's likely that a famous person or two will also become very visible (maybe for the first time since last September), asking you to join him or her in remembering the day.

From everything I can see, the first anniversary might just be the biggest media event of the year. Don't be surprised if it turns out similar to the Super Bowl commercials, where in the few days after, we can read all about the various winners and losers.

Call me a cynic, but frankly, I really do not care which news coverage about that fateful day is most complete, has the most exclusives, or is uninterrupted with commercial breaks. Nor do I care which magazine has the most vivid, unique or sensational photographs, or which stars come out to be associated with such a noble cause.

We must remember, the anniversary is not about them.

Most of us were only indirectly affected by the events on 9/11. Our airplane travel is a bit more cumbersome, and some of our businesses have been impacted. And yes, we have lost some sense of security and feelings of comfort, which earlier were taken for granted. But in the grand scheme, most of our lives are much the same - thankfully. The anniversary is also not about us.

For you see, our family members, good friends, neighbors and co-workers all came home from their jobs or trips or outings after that tragic day. None of us received a paralyzing call from a burning office or hijacked airplane. None of us are still wondering, a year later, whether we will ever know for certain, what happened to loved ones who have never been found.

It is for these people, who were lost and who have experienced loss, on whom we should be focusing our thoughts and prayers on this September 11th. The anniversary is to ensure we do not forget about the people whose lives were unfairly ended, whether they were innocently working in their offices, or valiantly fighting smoke and fire to rescue others. It is to remind us about the people who each and everyday, continue striving to overcome their feelings of grief and emptiness from this senseless tragedy, which forever altered their lives. It is also to help us remember and deeply appreciate the people who today, have put themselves in harm's way, half way around the world, risking their lives in threatening caves or other dangerous surroundings, so the rest of us can worry less and feel more confident about tomorrow.

On this September 11th, when the horrible images of a year ago are endlessly flashed in front of you, take a moment and close your eyes, and remember the victims and their families. Then take another moment or two and reflect on what you have learned throughout the past year, and the lessons you would most like to take forward with you. Finally, as awkward as it might feel, tell the people close to you that you love them. They already know it, but on an emotional day like this anniversary, the reassuring words will be very comforting for them to hear.