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Inspiring Visions

Lesson: Inspiring visions appeal to the heart, and it is the heart which fuels the power of emotional commitment. Visions are about possibilities -- of destinations that can be. They appeal to our imagination and sense of adventure. Visions are leadership.

Management activities require the logical mind and thrive in the world of probabilities. Is the planning of expected values or best case scenarios important? You bet! Just be aware that probabilities may help you better predict future outcomes, but visions of inspiring possibilities enable you to truly create and achieve the kind of future you want.

Remember: The Characteristics of a Vision:




Common Good


Decision Guide

Experiential Activity: (45 minutes)

Get your team together and have some fun with the following.

  1. Pick several categories, such as entertainment, work, transportation, computers, education, travel, money, TV and so forth. You may use any of these or choose your own.
  2. Separate into small groups (3 or more) and have each group select one category.
  3. In each group, take 15 - 20 minutes to discuss and brainstorm future trends related to each category. Remember to Challenge the Process and think about them in outlandish, untraditional ways. Jot down your key insights.
  4. Share your responses with each other. Laugh a little, but then look at them more closely. What do you see? Are there connections among the categories? What do your responses suggest about the future for your organization -- your products -- your services.

Now think about the following questions:

  1. Were you able to create images of these future trends? (I'll bet your were!)
  2. Were they clear -- or vague and nebulous?
  3. Were they unique and idealistic -- or plain and predictable?

Why is it easier to create a mental picture of a future trend, yet so hard to form a vivid picture of a vision in the workplace?

Action Plan:

1) Review the vision you prepared at The Leadership Challenge Workshop. or are currently following. Write down what about it is exciting and alive for you

  • what it means to you
  • some vivid examples of what it looks like. (Please be more creative than bags of money or smiling faces.)

2. Set up a vision meeting with your direct reports before the end of the month.

  • ask your people to respond to the above three questions.
  • compare thoughts. (Listen, really listen to each other.)
  • work to make your vision become more real (like some of your future trend images).

3. For every upcoming decision, begin right now asking the question, "Is this decision we are making (or are about to make) really consistent with our vision and values? Be clear on your answer. If you are deviating from your vision, do it consciously and only with good reason.

Let us hear from you about your progress and your questions (use the message board on this website). And remember, never -- ever -- ever let the fire of vision burn out.

Click here for last month's lesson: Challenging and Risk Taking.


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