Reflections on Independence

As I reflect on the eve of Independence Day, I am reminded by the level of commitment people once had toward a common goal.  Independence, freedom from overbearing rule from another country – those are pretty big concepts.  And did they ever take some hard work and sacrifice.

Ironically today, many of the difficulties we face as a nation are rooted in those freedoms defined in the constitution and the accompanying Bill of Rights.  My guess is that people still have high levels of commitment to national goals.  The goals are just not as unifying as independence.  So there will always be difficulties; perhaps that is one of the costs for freedom. What I do believe and hope for is that in addressing our difficulties, we will not lose sight of some of the other values we hold dear, such as respect, dignity, and good old fashion honesty. Those would be very good things in which to remain unified.  Enjoy the holiday.

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