3-Day Workshop

2.5 Day Workshop


ILA is the only firm offering a 2.5 day, residential version of The Leadership Challenge® Workshop. Participants learn and embrace the practices of leadership at a much deeper level. There is the perfect balance of classroom learning, hands on practice, personal reflection, and relationship building with colleagues. Rich and extensive debriefing sessions are a part of each day, where participants anchor in the lessons and determine how they can best apply them with their daily lives.

The Program: (what participants will receive)

• A three-day Leadership Challenge® Workshop, a highly experiential workshop that focuses on The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®, developed from the original and proven research of best-selling authors Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner
• Master certified program leaders, who are available to provide individual coaching during the program
• The Leadership Challenge® Workshop Participant Guidebook
The Leadership Challenge (7th edition) textbook
• The current edition Online LPI 360 (Leadership Practices Inventory assessment inventory) including all processing, scoring and confidential feedback
• Experiential activities (including an outdoor ropes challenge course, for those who choose to participate)
• A variety of follow-on actions (e.g. leadership articles, issue discussion, etc.)
• A truly memorable experience, with lessons that stick

Program Value: (what participants return to work with)

• A deep understanding of one’s personal capabilities as a leader
Increased confidence and ability to lead more effectively
• More options for equipping their people to achieve better results
• A clearer, more widely shared vision about their team’s work
• More trust and understanding among the attending managers
Increased credibility as a leader
• More courage (and commitment) to do things differently

Program Cost: (what participants will pay)

The tuition for the program is $2950 per person. Tuition includes all meals and snacks, lodging, course materials and experiential activities. The only other additional expense is transportation.


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