Power of Purpose After Loss

Not too long ago, I lost my wife of 45 years to cancer. Do I still grieve? Yes. Are there still moments of great sadness? Yes. Do I find my eyes occasionally welling up with tears? Yes to that as well. Am I aimlessly floundering? Absolutely not. For you see, I discovered a lesson in [Read More]

Intentional Growth

For many, springtime is a time of becoming reinvigorated. Trees are blooming, flowers are blossoming and the dormant, brown yards turn green almost overnight. There is something about the reemergence of life after the dead of winter. New growth is an incredibly inspiring thing. Leaders, much of your role is about growth, ensuring that people [Read More]

Power and Corruption

Our good friend Patil Hunma sent us his recent article about power and corruption. Some very interesting and thoughtful comments. We hope you enjoy it. Read article.

The Need for Looking Ahead

In a recent global CEO survey by McKinsey and Company, the need for forward-looking and visionary top officers – during and after a crisis – was reinforced. 48% of executives rank presenting an inspiring vision as the most important individual leadership behavior during a crisis; 45% rank it as most important after a crisis. 42% [Read More]

Leader Competencies for Today

Given all of the changes in the work environment lately, I have been reflecting on some of the leadership competencies/behaviors which seem to be increasing in need at the moment. See what you think. The first is about “sense-making.” Every day people are being bombarded from all sides with facts, figures, opinions, spreadsheets, conspiracy theories, [Read More]

Enabling People Working Remote

I recently heard some fascinating comments about the changing worker landscape from Karin Kimbrough, the Chief Economist with LinkedIn. You are all aware of the massive worker shortage. Well, that is because somewhere around 20 million quit their jobs during the last half of 2021. When asked why, Kimbrough remarked that many were looking at [Read More]

What Do You Fear?

Once a year I am supposed to change the filters in my furnace. They get dirty and prevent proper airflow which can put unnecessary strain on the motor. The same is true with the air filter on my car – and likely with my lawnmower, vacuum cleaner, and every other motorized device I own. To [Read More]

A Much Different World

Picture a lemon in a vise. As the vise tightens, some juice starts to leak out from a few small cracks. From then on, it takes just a little more cranking until the lemon is squeezed so tight, it simply bursts. There are many leaders today who may feel like they are that lemon, and [Read More]

The Dilemma of Mandates

You might not be aware that the word manage comes from the Latin root manus, which means hand. Quick translation – managers handle things. On the other hand, the root of leadership means to go, guide, or travel. Leaders take people places. Quite a difference, even at the root level. Why do I mention this? [Read More]

What Is A Fact?

Have you ever heard the catchphrase “Just the facts, ma’am?” It became famous from the character Sgt. Joe Friday, from the 1950’s police drama Dragnet? Trouble is, this statement about “the facts” is not a factual statement itself. The phrase was never actually uttered by Sgt. Friday, but was an alteration by satirist Stan Freberg [Read More]