Be Consistent In Your Message

If we learn nothing else from COVID, we now know how absolutely vital it is to provide consistent information to people, in order for them to act. Open schools/don’t open schools, wear masks/don’t wear masks, use hydroxychloroquine, don’t use hydroxychloroquine – the confusion runs amok.  And much of this occurs within the realm of our [Read More]

An Important Question

Do you have any desire to become a better leader – whether in your workplace or in your personal life? If your answer is anything other than no, then the relevant question is “how strong is this aspiration for you?”   For over three decades, I have had the wonderful opportunity of working with literally [Read More]

Lessons From The Pandemic

Greetings Everyone, As we rollover into June 2020, life seems to be picking up again around the country. Businesses of all kinds are back, although on a very restricted basis, and most have greatly ramped up their safety measures. I am hopeful that we can figure out both – conducting business and staying safe – [Read More]

COVID-19 and Leadership

Our colleague and friend Patil Hunma, recently sent me an article he wrote about leadership and COVID-19. His point of view as very insightful and of great value to me. The gist of his thinking was the difference between exercising Leadership and exercising power, during a crisis like the current pandemic. I encourage you to [Read More]

A Very Tough Challenge for Leaders

The COVID-19 crisis has illustrated one of the most challenging aspects of leadership – trying to realistically assess an uncertain future and then demonstrating the courage to make decisions about it today. Unfortunately you cannot Monday morning quarterback the future, and that creates a great deal of tension for leaders. At the time of this [Read More]

Leading vs. Campaigning

Here in the US, we are now well into the morass known as the US Presidential election campaigns. Although campaigning seems perpetual these days, it certainly gets ramped up every four years, when the election for President takes place. Billions of dollars have already been spent on campaign advertising alone. Hopefully the media companies and [Read More]

Bigger… or Greater

I recently had the opportunity to hear a talk by Bo Burlingham, author of Small Giants, and his latest endeavor, Finish Big.  Most of his comments were about lessons learned from his ongoing studies of small, but great companies. One of the common themes of these companies was that the desire to be great was [Read More]

Don’t Overlook This!

Happy 2020! As the New Year dawns, I am bidding hail and farewell to an old friend. After 42 years of virtually uninterrupted service, my old Kenmore clothes dryer finally let me know it was retiring. Yes, you read that correctly – 42 years for a frequently used appliance. Unheard of these days. Perhaps this [Read More]

Time to Reflect

For a couple of weeks or so in December, the treadmill of business slows down a little bit for a number of people, excluding of course those in retail and other Christmas holiday businesses. Very likely, most of the “orders or sales” coming in for the year are pretty well completed, given that many commercial [Read More]

The Power of Optimism

I recently came across a senior manager who said something like this. “I don’t believe it is appropriate to put on a face of optimism, when everyone knows times are really tough. My people would pretty much know that I would be faking it, and I would look foolish.” Let me get this right: optimism [Read More]