Enabling People Working Remote

I recently heard some fascinating comments about the changing worker landscape from Karin Kimbrough, the Chief Economist with LinkedIn. You are all aware of the massive worker shortage. Well, that is because somewhere around 20 million quit their jobs during the last half of 2021. When asked why, Kimbrough remarked that many were looking at [Read More]

What Do You Fear?

Once a year I am supposed to change the filters in my furnace. They get dirty and prevent proper airflow which can put unnecessary strain on the motor. The same is true with the air filter on my car – and likely with my lawnmower, vacuum cleaner, and every other motorized device I own. To [Read More]

A Much Different World

Picture a lemon in a vise. As the vise tightens, some juice starts to leak out from a few small cracks. From then on, it takes just a little more cranking until the lemon is squeezed so tight, it simply bursts. There are many leaders today who may feel like they are that lemon, and [Read More]

Mandates For a Fulfilling Career

In our recent book, Ignite the Extraordinary, co-author Tom and I wrote about various phases people pass through during their careers. The first phase we titled Finding the Light and the second was Learning to Fly. We suggest you pay close attention to them in assessing your own career progress right now. And for those [Read More]

Leading in the Days Ahead

Beware as you return back to work! A lot has changed in a few months. The world around us is quite different, and not just from COVID. There have been huge shifts caused by social turbulence, political divisiveness, and the like. Issues such as equity and justice are more on the radar, and there is [Read More]

Leading After COVID

There has been a blip in the space time continuum. Here is what I mean by that. For years and years, we have all heard all about the breakneck rate of change. No doubt about that. But with a disruption the size of COVID, it feels as if a decade of change has occurred within [Read More]

Don’t Cave in

Immediately following the Presidential inauguration, there was a lot of “breaking news,” coming from some of the medical professionals serving the previous Presidential administration during the 2020 COVID-19 challenge. Based on their own words, the research, advice, and counsel they offered were often times drastically ignored or worse, re-worded inaccurately. There is video of Dr. [Read More]

Be a Decider, not a Criticizer

Welcome to 2021. Hallelujah. As we move forward into the year, I hope we can soon leave behind constant worry about a microscopic virus leaping tall buildings and penetrating masks and face shields. We must of course all remain vigilant – and smart, but hopefully we will make giant strides in getting this problem controlled [Read More]

The Wonderful Mental State That Reduces Stress (M)

My friend and long-time colleague, Jim Kouzes, sent me the article below, from a recent edition of PsyBlog. Given the world we are living in today, it offers some fascinating insights on reducing the kinds of stress you may be feeling. Hope you enjoy. _______________  The Wonderful Mental State That Reduces Stress (M) The state [Read More]

Can You See It?

Never underestimate how powerful selective perception can be. I was not surprised at all to hear and read that the day after the first Presidential debate of 2020, supporters of each candidate were totally convinced that their candidate of choice just slammed his opponent. Now, how can that be? That thing called Congeniality Bias is [Read More]