Bigger… or Greater

I recently had the opportunity to hear a talk by Bo Burlingham, author of Small Giants, and his latest endeavor, Finish Big.  Most of his comments were about lessons learned from his ongoing studies of small, but great companies. One of the common themes of these companies was that the desire to be great was [Read More]

Don’t Overlook This!

Happy 2020! As the New Year dawns, I am bidding hail and farewell to an old friend. After 42 years of virtually uninterrupted service, my old Kenmore clothes dryer finally let me know it was retiring. Yes, you read that correctly – 42 years for a frequently used appliance. Unheard of these days. Perhaps this [Read More]

Time to Reflect

For a couple of weeks or so in December, the treadmill of business slows down a little bit for a number of people, excluding of course those in retail and other Christmas holiday businesses. Very likely, most of the “orders or sales” coming in for the year are pretty well completed, given that many commercial [Read More]

The Power of Optimism

I recently came across a senior manager who said something like this. “I don’t believe it is appropriate to put on a face of optimism, when everyone knows times are really tough. My people would pretty much know that I would be faking it, and I would look foolish.” Let me get this right: optimism [Read More]

Toxic Management

This month’s post is from our good friend and fellow leadership development coach Patil Hunma, who has written an insightful look at the real impact of management behaviors which have become toxic. We invite you to reflect on his observations, and keep them in mind as you seek to more effectively lead within an organization. [Read More]

Responding to Change

Things change – every moment of every day. The stock market goes up 300 points and the very next day down 800. Every week it seems there is a story of some long-successful business being acquired by some other company. And out of the blue, one of your rock solid customers calls one day to [Read More]

A Top Priority for Leaders

Being a student of leadership for thirty plus years, I have come across list after list of what leaders do. I work in this field and I even have trouble keeping up. I imagine it is hard for you as well. After all the reading, studying, facilitating and thinking about leaders, there are three items [Read More]

Sign of the Times

A close friend and colleague, who is a professor at a highly regarded, major university, recently sent me this brief reflection. You may be experiencing something behavior from people around you. *** It is the end of the semester and I have been imploring students to complete an anonymous course evaluation for my classes. In [Read More]

A Big Difference

I recently heard a comment from a young woman who just completed a couple of days of leadership development work. When asked what she would take away from it she said something like this. She said she could no longer attempt to remain mostly invisible or under the radar, if she was going to be [Read More]

Good Coaching or Not

As I write this, the world as we know it is on a bit of a hold, because March Madness has taken over. Not everyone of course is totally focused on basketball, but this annual event does generate a lot of interest. Brackets and betting pools are everywhere, there is always a grand upset or [Read More]