Beware of Biases

Think back a couple of weeks and you likely remember the uproar about the students from a Catholic high school in KY and their faceoff with Nathan Phillips the fellow beating the drum on the Washington Mall. By living in the area near the school, I can tell you that the fallout from this incident [Read More]

Leadership as Dialogue

Following are excerpts from a recent interview between Rodger Dean Duncan of Forbes and Jim Kouzes, co-author of The Leadership Challenge, highlighting the importance of open dialogue for leaders. Enjoy. _____________________ Rodger Dean Duncan: In your practice you often make the point that leadership is a dialogue, not a monologue. How does dialogue inspire a [Read More]

Relying on the Wrong Skills

How well do you really know your job? Most of the people I have met seem to really know what they are doing. When they sit down with peers, they can talk for hours about “the job.” They can easily leave me in the dust, with the level of detail they bring out, and of [Read More]

Does Inspiration Matter?

How important do you believe it is for people to be inspired about their work? Does inspiration really make a difference or is it a concept that is merely getting a lot of buzz these days? I am on the “makes a difference” side, and a recent episode reinforces why. I recently attended a talk [Read More]

The Off Year

Shaun White is the Olympic halfpipe snowboarder who defies gravity, physics, and every other limitation known to mankind. His performances are nothing short of breathtaking. In 2006 and 2010 he won the gold medal. In 2014, he went home empty-handed. Nothing, Nada. Well, he obviously had peaked and was on his way down. Maybe he [Read More]

Connecting Voice and Touch

As we begin a new year, I wanted to share a short, yet powerful story about one of the most important lessons of leadership. I hope you will often be mindful of its enduring and important message. Author Max Depree opened his book Leadership Jazz, with the story of his granddaughter Zoe, born prematurely and [Read More]

The Issue of Unnamed Sources

I cannot count the number of times I have heard people complain about the anonymity of the internet. It goes something like this: “People can write whatever they want, almost libeling people by spreading rumors or biased opinions, without any accountability. They do not have to sign their names, and so there is no way [Read More]

Leader Resoluions

Since it is that time for resolutions, I thought I would give you a hand on someof your leadership aspirations going forward. Following is a solid list of some of the things that effective leaders intentionally focus on (along with some brief descriptions of each). You may have a few of your own favorites to [Read More]

Election Aftermath

Pondering the aftermath of the 2016 Presidential election reminded me of something very important.  Different values are not the same as wrong values. I am hopeful that you will take some time and deeply reflect on this. Our values are very personal. They help us make difficult decisions and enable us to discern good from [Read More]

Lessons From Chance Encounters

I had two interesting encounters last week that reminded me of a couple important lessons for leaders. Encounter one found me finishing up the paperwork for mailing a package at a UPS store. A woman came in and apparently was hoping to mail a rather large box while using her husband’s company account number. After [Read More]