The Slippery Slope

Immediately below are 4 figures. Let me explain and the name of this sequence will soon become all too obvious.       In this first figure, the X is your moral/ethical center based on your values. The circle around it includes the behaviors that you consider to be moral and ethical. In the second [Read More]

The Impact or your Actions

Have you even witnessed a situation where one person quite literally left another person in shambles, and had no idea of the devastation left behind? I have seen individuals visibly shocked, if hot traumatized after a nasty encounter with a boss. I have then heard those same bosses later discussing the incident very matter-of-factly, framing [Read More]

Year End Review

Brace yourself. The upcoming year is an election year, and we will all be bombarded with the question, “are you better off today than when the incumbent took office?” Frankly, it is good to do an accountability assessment on occasions. Given we are approaching the end of another year, how would you rate your own [Read More]

Are You at Your Best

Greetings Leaders, Time for a little mid-year reflection. Looking back over the past few weeks, is there a time that stands out for you when you felt as if you were truly leading at your best? That would be a time when you were very aware of and deliberate in your leadership and things seemed [Read More]

A Most Common Daily Mistake

People will often share with me that they wish they had more time to think about the future and be a more intentional leader. I remember talking with one fellow about it and asked him what prevented him from finding the time. I really appreciated his answer. He did not say that his time was [Read More]

Dig Below The Surface

Greetings Leaders, A couple of weeks ago, I had an arborist come out to look at one of my trees. By mid-summer, its leaves were starting to turn brown and fall off, much earlier than normal. The arborist dug down below the surface and found what is called a girdling root. That is a root [Read More]